Definiciones importantes

     Scientologists more or less have their own language of terms. A glossary is included here that although not complete, covers a wide general basic scope of terms commonly used in most Scientology organizations.

Auditor: one who listens
a person that no longer has their own reactive mind
Dianetics Auditing: 
counseling that erases engrams

 a moment of pain and unconsciousness
Pre-Clear {PC}: a person not yet Clear
Reactive Mind: 
stores engrams
 a step on the route to Clear

Alternate Clear Route: for people that don’t go Clear on Dianetics
anything in a person that can be audited
Case Level:
 auditing a person has had thus far
Case Supervisor {C/S}:
 instructs an auditor what to audit
Hubbard Guidance Center {HGC}: where church auditing is delivered
Intensive: 12½ hour block of auditing

Rundown: a group of auditing actions done together

Implant: overwhelming a thetan electrically to control it
Mass Implant:
 overwhelming a group of thetans electrically to control them
Operating Thetan {OT}: a being that is cause over life
Pre-OT: a person not yet OT
Scientology Auditing:
 counseling to address implants
Thetan: an immortal spiritual being

Confessional: auditing to locate O/W’s
Ethics Officer: decides a person’s eligibility for Scientology based on their O/W’s
Missed Withhold {M/WH}: an almost discovered withhold
Overt: an act of omission or commission that causes more harm than good
Overt & Withold {O/W}: an overt accompanied by a withhold
Overt & Withold Write-Up {O/W Write Up}: a written confessional of one’s O/W’s
Security Check: audited confessional to find O/W’s related to church security
Security Checker:
 security check auditor
Withhold {WH}: an undisclosed overt

Hubbard Electropsychometer {e-meter}: A small electronic device with two small cans the size of soup cans attached to it by wires that is used as an aid in auditing. The front of the meter has a numbered dial with a needle in the center that can move left or right. During auditing a person holds one can in each hand. An auditor sits in front of the person watching the e-meter dial for responses and writing down all the person and the e-meter say or do from asking a person being audited questions about their case. The e-meter sends a small electric current to the cans that becomes disrupted if an item needing to be audited is present. The type of item {i.e. engram, implant, overt etc.} is reflected by the type of movement in the e-meter needle. The auditor interprets needle movements and asks specific questions until the item no longer produces a reading on the e-meter.


Dirty Needle: indicates an item is not flat
Flat Item: an item that no longer reads
Floating Needle: {F/N}: needle moving freely left to right indicating freedom from an item
Item: something that causes a read {engram, O/W, implant, W/H etc.}
Read: a movement of the needle
Review Auditing: auditing to review a person’s past auditing
Review Auditor: auditor that reviews a person’s past auditing

Auditing Session

Solo Auditor: A solo auditor is a person that audits themselves without another auditor having to be there. Specialized training is required to learn its procedures. A person solo audits because at certain points on the route to Clear and OT a person is more powerful than the item that needs to be audited. A solo auditor uses two cans joined end to end by a connector and holds them in one hand to detect reads while the other hand controls the e-meter and records the session. A person must be Clear or about to become Clear on their alternate Clear route in order to become trained as a solo auditor.

     Auditing engrams and auditing implants involves two entirely different technologies. Dianetics auditing or auditing to go Clear is not effective in removing implants. Auditing designed to remove implants will not be effective at erasing engrams.

After going Clear a person first solo audits a series of drills that orient them to life without their reactive mind and then begins auditing themselves on whole time track electrical implants from a prepared list of all known implants {but not mass implants}. The items {content of the implants} are called out loud in session on an e-meter by the pre-OT and any item that reads on the e-meter is taken up until it no longer reads meaning it has been confronted and erased. When the entire list no longer reads the person no longer has those implants and can then move on to mass implant auditing.

Body Thetan {BT}: a thetan stuck to another thetan’s mental image picture from a mass implant
 a group of BT’s stuck to each other
Cumulative Cluster: a group of clusters stuck to each other

Mass implant auditing is accomplished in a series of steps because there are 3 distinct types of BT’s:

Non Dormant BT’s: These BT’s and clusters are audited first by solo auditing. These BT’s and clusters read on an e-meter as «pressure» or «stuck mass» somewhere on the body of the pre-OT. Communication between the pre-OT and the BT is needed to accomplish the auditing but it is done telepathically and not aloud like as in other auditing. The pre-OT asks the BT «What are you?» and must properly acknowledge the response that follows. Once that question has been acknowledged fully the pre-OT then asks the BT «Who are you?» and must properly acknowledge the response that also follows. A pre-OT has an experience in common with any BT and the goal is to reach a mutual understanding of this with the BT so it is free to go off on its own again. A BT that through this auditing realizes it is not part of its host’s experiences and not that same being as its host leaves as its knowledge of what and who it really is has been returned to it for the first time in 75 million years. Clusters are audited in the same manner by finding the mutual experience the BT’s in the cluster have in common that holds the cluster together. Sometimes several clusters have several experiences in common making a cumulative cluster. As each common experience is audited the cluster breaks into individual BT’s that are then audited until the auditing succeeds.

Non Dormant «Druggie» BT’s: These BT’s and clusters are audited second. They have their host’s drug experience related pictures in common and are more resistive to auditing because the pictures they are stuck in indicate that they are «drugged». This step requires another auditor to be there with the pre-OT to assist in the auditing that is geared to address almost exclusively drug experiences on the track that created these BT’s and cluster’s cases. This is a highly skilled activity because communication between the auditor and the pre-OT must be out loud and communication between the pre-OT and the BT’s must be done telepathically. Aside from «their alleged drugs» these BT’s are audited like any other BT or cluster once the drug experience{s} the pre-OT had that created these BT’s and cluster’s situation is found.

Dormant BT’s: Are audited last and refers to BT’s and clusters that are still amnesic or «unconscious» from the mass implant as if in a «coma» spiritually. Auditing these BT’s also requires that another auditor be present with the pre-OT to assist in the auditing. This is also a highly skilled activity because communication between the auditor and the pre-OT must again be out loud and communication between the pre-OT and the BT must be done telepathically. In order to audit dormant BT’s a pre-OT must first have their perception raised by the auditing to the point to being able to locate them first because these BT’s do not read on the e-meter while dormant. A pre-OT must flow attention energy to them first to jostle them and «wake them up». Once that is done they are audited in the same manner as any other BT whether they are alone or in clusters.

Once a C/S determines that a pre-OT is able to locate and audit dormant BT’s and clusters on his or her own without another auditor being present, that activity ends and the pre-OT does special solo auditor training and interning dedicated to Dormant BT and cluster auditing and then finishes auditing the remainder of their case on their own solo.

There is no exact set amount of implants, BT’s and clusters a person has. A person simply has what they have and doesn’t have what they don’t have.

Academy: student training area

Misunderstood Word {MU}: a word one has not fully understood in one’s studies that if not found and defined makes any further understanding of the subject one is studying unlikely

Church Training Center

Course Supervisor: watches students for signs of MU’s and corrects them
Cramming Officer: corrects training errors
Demo Kit: small objects a student uses to demonstrate something learned
Exam: e-metered verification that an auditing or training result has been attained
Examiner: delivers exams
Registrar: sells auditing and training to the public
Squirrel Tech: altered versions of training & auditing
Study Twin: a training partner for drills and word clearing
Word Clearer:
 clears up MU’s

     Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates {alsocalled the Bridge or Grade Chart}: This is a standardly written corporate list of everything a person must do to go clear, OT and become a fully trained auditor. The right side lists auditing and the left lists training. A person gets a certificate as each level is completed. Any level is always noted in Roman numerals.


     I.Q., Personality tests and a medical exam are given to a person before auditing begins to determine their physical, mental and spiritual health.A reference list is included here that outlines

the various states of release on the route to clear and OT that a person completes in order to get there. The name of the action is on the left and the ability attained and/or material audited is on the right.

Purification Rundown: Exercise, vitamins and sauna sweating to remove physical toxins
Grade 0: Communications Release
Grade I: Problems Release
Grade II: Relief Release
Grade III: Freedom Release
Grade IV: Ability Release
New Era Dianetics {NED}: Clear
Expanded New Era Dianetics {XNED}: Clear
Solo Auditor Training Courses Parts 1 & 2: Solo Auditor
Clear Verification: Auditing to verify the state of clear

ALTERNATE CLEAR ROUTE: {for people that don’t go Clear on Dianetics}
New Era Dianetics
New Era Expanded Dianetics

Grade V: 
Power Release
Grade VA:
 Power Plus Release
Solo Auditor Training Courses Parts 1 & 2
Grade VI {solo}: 
Whole Track Release
Grade VII {solo}:
Clear Verification

OT Eligibility & Preparation: Security checking prior to starting OT auditing
OT I {solo}: OT Viewpoint drills
OT II {solo}: one’s own implants
OT III {solo}: one’s own and other’s mass implants
OT IV {audited}: one’s own and other’s mass implants
OT V {audited}: one’s own and other’s mass implants
OT VI {solo}: one’s own and other’s mass implants solo auditor training internship
OT VII {solo}: one’s own and other’s mass implants
OT VIII {solo}: cause over life

L-Rundowns: L Rundowns are not required in order for a person to go Clear or OT as their main purpose is to enhance and boost auditing. L’s Do not need to be done in numerical order. Each is a certain type of auditing specific to itself that can be done in any order as determined by a C/S. There are 3 L’s:

L-10: L-10
L-11: New Life Rundown
L-12: Flag OT Executive Rundown

     An outline is included here that shows many of the various training levels one must complete in order to become an auditor or case supervisor. The material or level one trains on is on the left and the knowledge and/or ability gained is on the right.

Student Hat: Study Technology
Training Routines {TR’s}: Ability to communicate with and as an auditor
Purification Rundown Case Supervisor: Purification Rundown C/S
Class 0: Grade O Auditor
Class I: Grade I Auditor
Class II: Grade II Auditor
Class III: Grade III Auditor
Class IV: Grade IV Auditor
Class IV Case Supervisor: Grades 0 to IV C/S
Class V: NED Auditor
Class V Case Supervisor: NED C/S
Class VA:
 Expanded NED Auditor
Class VA Case Supervisor: Expanded NED C/S
Class VI:
 Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Materials
Class VI Case Supervisor
Class VII: Grades V & VA Auditor
Class VIII: OT IV Auditor
Class VIII Case Supervisor: Grades V, VA & OT IV Auditor
Class IX: OT V Auditor
Class IX Case Supervisor: OT V, VI & VII C/S
Class X: L-10 Auditor
Class XI: L-11 Auditor
Class XII: L-12 Auditor
Class XII Case Supervisor: L 10, 11 & 12 C/S

por lawrence toomajan


Lawrence Toomajan